Dear A.A. Members:
The A.A. Sisterhood is launching a new fundraising project and is asking for your help.
The project will be called Mitzvah-Grams and is designed to bring in much-needed funds for the Sisterhood (and ultimately for the Synagogue) with very little effort on your part.
The first step in launching the project is to create a database of birthdays and anniversaries for the members of A.A. Please fill out the attached request for this information, keeping in mind we need only month and date, not year. Once we have created this database, the list of all birthdays and anniversaries occurring in the following month will be printed in the Hayom. For example, the October Hayom will include a page of all birthdays and anniversaries occurring in November.
Here’s what you will need to do each month:
- 1. Print out the Mitzvah-Gram page from the Hayom.
- 2. Circle the names of all those people you would like to wish a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary.
- 3. Mail or deliver your list along with $.50 for each circled name to either Agudath Achim, 9 Lee Blvd, Savannah GA 31405, Attn: Sisterhood Mitzvah-Grams, or to Barbara Abrams, 24 Raindrop Lane, Bluffton SC 29909.
- 4. Make sure to include your name the way you want it listed, as well as a check made out to Agudath Achim Sisterhood.
- 5. Sit back and relax, knowing that all you A.A. friends and acquaintances will receive greetings on their special day from you. And try to remember the last time you sent a greeting card for only $.50! Your friends will know you were thinking of them, and we’ll do all the work. It can’t get any easier than that.
- 6. If you have questions about this project, please call me at (843) 705-3723.
Barbara Abrams, Chair
Gale Hirsh, Acting Sisterhood President
Print Name_______________________________________ Birthday ______/______
Print Name_______________________________________ Birthday ______/______
Print Names______________________________________ Anniversary _____/_____
Please detach, fill out and mail to:
Barbara Abrams
24 Raindrop Lane
Bluffton SC 29909
Or call me with the information at 843-705-3723.
Join the Mens’ Club
If you are interested in joining the Men’s Club please contact the synagogue at 352-4737.
Join Sisterhood
If you are interested in joining Sisterhood please contact the synagogue at 352-4737.
Monthly Hayom
Weekly Newsletter